Even though it would make things a lot easier in the dating world, relationships rarely see mutual breakup. One person is usually the heartbreaker, while the other mulls over the breakup for weeks, even months. It's never easy to break up with someone you've shared good times with (and even if they were bad times, they were still times).
But the person who does the breaking up feels like less of a bad guy by offering that sense of truce: the infamous line “It's not you, it's me. We can still be friends.”. This peace offering of friendship provides the dumper with the solace of knowing they aren't such a horrible person because they still want to be friends with their ex.
Not only does it give the dumper the relieve of knowing they are not monsters, but by wanting to remain friends, it also allows the dumper to feel that their former lover will still be in their life, and they won't have to miss having them around.
So now the dumper can move on with their life with ease, and with the enjoyment of having coffee with their former mate every so often. The person who got dumped, however, has the pleasure of being constantly reminded of the person who ripped out their heart when they receive friendly messages and e-mail.
So, can you ever be friends with your ex? Does it have to be all-or-nothing?
Let me share you this:
Some of you are able to go back from being in love with someone to being friends with them.
I find it amazing.
I applaud you if you can do that.
It must take so much work, but if you just hang in there, forget all the harsh words you said during the break up, you might just go back to being really good friends.
At least for me. Where does the love go?
All the dinner dates, calling each other beautiful, being inside of each other, promises, all the unfinished business.
How do you back from love to hate and then back to friends?
You’ve licked every inch of my body.
I’ve tasted your tongue for hours on end.
We said our “I love you”s. Where does the love go? Or was it not love?
How can we suddenly be friends?
To be present at your birthday party with your new boyfriend next to you.
To visit our favorite restaurant and ordering the dish we used to share.
To watch a movie next to my friend, someone who used to swallow my cum.
No, thanks.
I think we’re better off as…what we were before we met.
I just can’t be friends with my ex.
It really depends on a person…. I think!
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