Friday, January 7, 2011


“Does being on the same wavelength guarantee happiness and long last relationship? How important is intellectual compatibility?”

This is my Facebook Status an hour ago. Started when I received an email from my partner, stating his feelings toward issues about us, and this questions popped into my mind.

Is being on the same page with your partner significant? The answer, Maybe Yes, Maybe No! Depends on the degree of understanding of a person.
What I think is that two people don't need to be of the same intelligence to be compatible! Yes it has bearing, but it is not the basic criteria. And a perfect example is me and my partner! We are so not on the same wavelength almost ever! He is much more intelligent than me by far, BUT, He doesn’t throw that in my face. I am not anywhere in his league when it comes to intelligence and I think he knows that.  He would never make fun of me because he really want me to learn! It sometime is too much of a challenge for him to make me more intelligent. We don't over power each other. if he does not know something about a certain matter he ask me and if I don't know anything about the field that he has knowledge then I ask him. He just letting me be what I am and just love me that way, I know that…I just do! I love every aspect of him, thats what important!
Type of intelligence do not matter so much as long as one can communicate. Perfect synchronization is the key. “One can go play video games while the other one is reading novels.” Either way, as long as you're talking with each other, doesn't really matter who's smarter. What happened to the theory “Opposites attract”? When we have a personal problem, we need someone who can understand us. It all depends on how you work together as a couple. You need to accept even the tiniest imperfection.

Don't you think that if love exist, exist everything?

When there is love everything falls into the right places. If the one is weak one should stand tall, so the relationship will not fall apart. If love exist there is no dumb nor intelligent, you both learn to appreciate what is there and share it.

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