Can I ask you something?
What is friendship? What is the meaning of this relationship?
To Aristotle—“A single soul, dwelling in two bodies”
To Psychologist—“A dynamic, mutual relationship between two individuals. As children become friends, they negotiate boundaries within which both partners function”
To the Sexually Oriented People—“FuBu = Fuc**ing Buddy” Friends with Benefits
To my Bestfriends—“God put us together to be siblings by heart”
To Me—.........
While browsing the Wikipedia I’ve read that there are different types of friendship (now ko lang nalaman na madami pala!) Listed below are the examples for your reference: LoL!
Best friend (or close friend): a person(s) with whom someone shares extremely strong interpersonal ties with as a friend
BFF (“Best Friend Forever”): Slang originally coined on the internet and used primarily in the USA by women to describe a girl friend or close best friend
Acquaintance: a friend, but sharing of emotional ties isn’t present. An example would be a coworker with whom you enjoy eating lunch or having coffee, but would not look to for emotional support
Mate: In the UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand, blokes often refer to each other as “mates”, for example, introducing a male friend as their “mate”, or a circle of male friends as 'mates'. In the UK, as well as Australia, this term has begun to be taken up by women as well as men
Bro: In the USA, common term for best friends among men, oftentimes in college or early adulthood
Buddy: In the USA, guys often refer to each other as “buddies”, for example, introducing a male friend as their “buddy”, or a circle of male friends as 'buddies'
Soulmate: the name given to someone who is considered the ultimate, true, and eternal half of the other’s soul, in which the two are now and forever meant to be together
Pen pal: people who have a relationship via postal correspondence. They may or may not have met each other in person and may share either love, friendship, or simply an acquaintance between each other
Internet friendship: a form of friendship or romance which takes place over the Internet
Fruit flies, Fag hag (female), or Fag stag (male): denotes a person (usually heterosexual) who forms deep ties or close friendships with gay men. Men (gay or straight) who have lesbian friends have been referred to lezbros or lesbros. The term has often been claimed by these straight members in gay-straight friendships, however some feel that it is derogatory
Comrade: means “ally”, “friend”, or “colleague” in a military or (usually) left-wing political connotation. This is the feeling of affinity that draws people together in time of war or when people have a mutual enemy or even a common goal. Friendship can be mistaken for comradeship
(Andami dba, Kaloka, Pak!)
Back to my Questions…..
We have often wanted answers for it, yet we have never come up with a satisfactory response. This is because this relationship is a mix of beautiful and complex way of thinking, which may not often be described in words. Defining a relationship is never easy, as there are plenty facets to it. However we don't need ample amount of words to make us realize the deep meaning of friendship.
“Being friends means being there for each other at all times, whether it’s good or bad. A friend needs to be very understanding and give each other the benefit of the doubt. Ideally the meaning of friendship is sharing unconditional love for each other. However this is not an ideal world; therefore some form of expectations are allowed, but that has a limit too. The purpose and meaning of friendship is to make life's burdens lighter for our friends and not make them heavier.”
Asking for the meaning of friendship has always been a burning question. However as soon as we meet our friends all these questions get answered automatically. The answer to what is the meaning of friendship lies within our hearts, because true friendship can only be felt, and not expressed. Something so pure and essential is not always visible to the eye, but is felt by the heart.
People like to have friends for different reasons. We have so many friends, (even I has!) but only few are true and will stick to you until the end!. The one who you can count on and make your life worth living. Your own source of STRENGTH.
I have My Bitches, My College Buddies, My Confidant....
How about you?
Love the article