Let me share you one of the activities that we did during the subject. Ms Ava (Our Trainor) told us to make a Life Tree; each part of the tree signifies something in our life.

Trees are going through the same hurdles as human being, so if the trees can go through that and be able to live another day, and don’t fall, then even me as a human being can do the same, cause we are all created by God.
Actually, it was so difficult for me at first to put anything down on the paper, as I didn’t find any thing noteworthy in my life that I wanted to share with the people. And, I think in my life I have constantly wanted to hide the past and not think about it because it unlock the bad memories that I have had. But when my seatmates were starting to draw, to share their stories, I realized that in my past and in my upbringing I have been fortunate to have the people that have influenced me and strengthened my roots.
The tree of life made me aware of the power of my roots and helped me identify the people that have made me the person I am now. It brought gratitude to my family and all the people that have encouraged me to hold on to my hopes and dreams, and made me realize that I am out of the ordinary. It made me happy because I had a chance to remember the good times and memories I had in the past, particularly in my school days, all the songs and my school friends, and to celebrate the things in my life, look back and appreciate life.
In the process, I began to recognize my skills and gifts, things that make me special such as being good listener, “Problem Solver” kind and always putting other people before me. It has given me the passion to achieve my dreams.
Verdict: I Enjoyed the Learning Process.
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